The Community Garden

Welcome to the Community Garden!

The Community Garden is a project aimed at connecting people all around the world through the sharing of our unique experiences and perspectives. 

The Garden is a home for us to express ourselves and a place to put those thoughts, ideas, and projects that bounce around our heads with nowhere to go. 

It is a place of truth, beauty, art, and appreciation of the Universe just for the purpose of admiring and capturing it's beauty - not for monetary or personal gain. 

The Garden is for planting seeds so to speak - to share a thought, project, artwork, or idea and see what it grows into. By planting seeds, we not only give ourselves the opportunity to share what we love, we inspire each other, and open the door to collaborate.

 As it is today, it is often hard for us to do the things we love. So stressed out by daily life, it is easy to neglect doing the things we love and instead chose to do something that will distract us but ultimately leave us feeling empty - like T.V. or Social Media. 

This project is part of an effort to solve that problem by using community to inspire us to spend our time doing and sharing what we love!