How to Change the World.


Change is a simple mathematical formula – energy x time.


This applies to anything, putting energy into something, the natural outcome will be that it grows. What we devote our time to creates reality. Reality is truly just constructed by many individual parts and how their time is used. Energy is what is required to change – to do something new. Energy is intention, thought, action, effort, imagination, words, and more. When your energy is directed towards a clear goal, and you devote your time to it –your dream is forced to become reality.


Applying this on a larger scale, the more people you have devoting their energy and time to something unified, the larger the impact will be on reality. Slowly but surely, as more people devote more energy and more time, the thing that is being worked on together grows in its existence, becoming more and more real until it reaches a tipping point and simply exists, and the work is done.


While this is intuitive, the inevitable question is what could be so unifying and magnificent that so many people would spend their energy and time devoted to the same thing.


Simple. The thing that is equally wonderful and amorous to us all.




Immediately forget whatever picture or connotation comes to mind, because that is not what I mean. Heaven is simply a state of balance. A world that is at peace, harmonious with nature, a place where the birds sing, and the winds carry love. An Earth where energy flows, and people dance, working together, feeling full, complete, and enlightened. A perfect bliss.


This dream already exists within each of our unconscious selves. It is not some empire or nation; it is the product of the hardware we already have in a completely functional state. It is our ‘natural’ state.


War, chaos, death, depression, energy sinking, environmental destruction, disharmony, nations, profit, money, all of these things that are ‘normal’ today are not ‘normal’ to the earth.


Truly, are we not first extensions of the earth? Is our bodies not from the soil, recycled over and over? To what is ours if we are what’s owned and what’s borrowed? And yet we treat the world as if we have created it, we conquer as if we know better than it.


The very basis of our livelihood, purpose, and existence we destroy so we can pretend and play monopoly man. To what end? And for what would we gain? Where does this go? When is the reward? When do all the wars pay off? When do all the hours spent laboring in exploitative conditions give back to you? When does money, wealth and power suddenly become more fulfilling than love? When will the extinction of 1/3 of life on earth become positive? When will a warming climate be good? And what will be left? What will life look like? What will humanity become? And for what? Because change is hard? Because money is what we know? Because some people are unwilling to sacrifice their ungodly wealth and unnecessary power? What is of more value – the lives of trillions or the riches of hundreds?


Will it be worth it to those who sit alone in their mansions, unloved? A family held together by material love? When their bodies decay in the earth along side the trillions of lifeforms that have perished for their gain – will their reward come then?


We do this why? To pretend? Like children we play a game. The monopoly game. Have we forgotten what we are?


Is not the monkey, the ape, our cousins? Is not the tree a distance relative? Are we not all family descended from the same earth experiencing the universe all the same? To what are we a part? To what is our purpose? For what were we formed? To where will we go? These are the real questions. The real meaning.


Live for these and as you decay, you will become whole once again – living eternally through the part you played in shaping the whole.


For life is not a game of the individual – but of the whole.


Forever are we connected, influencing each other, and that is all there is. What else do you call such a thing in which everything is shared. The very atoms in our bodies all once belonged to the same star’s core, and before that a cloud of dust, and before that it was one with all things -  a single point of unity.


Separateness is the illusion. When we fight against each other, we fight against everything. Chaos. Energy sinks, gets fought over, life decays. Death. Hell.


When we fight for each other, energy flows, unity, love, peace, balance. Everything has enough, everything belongs to a greater whole. Heaven.


 But how do we get there?


We give. Do not think of how you’ll go to heaven, think of getting others there and soon you will find yourself there as well.


Heaven is not just a place for the spirit, nor is it a reward for good behavior, it is the outcome when all things come together. It is the product of love. Every time you love, every time you put someone else before yourself you build heaven. To live in heaven is to be free, to use all your spirit to give and to love, then you will exist. Then you will be part of something larger and eternalized in its glory. As you give, energy flows from you, thus you exist and your energy becomes a part of something larger as it travels from you. The more you love, the more you give, the more you exist. When you take energy for yourself you become nothing. Your energy never leaves. You become a black hole, taking without ever being full. Forever hungry, this is hell.


Hell is not a consequence for sinners, nor is heaven a reward for the righteous these are the outcomes. To what you may call God, the Universe, Love, Science, whatever you may worship wants of you truly only to be whole – to be one. The deepest power of the Universe is its call to be one- thus is manifested through our internal struggle – the struggle between life and death. Light and dark. Love and hate. Existence and nonexistence. Something and nothing. To love is to be something, to hate is to be nothing. 


As our world today exists in hell, sooner or later things will go to death. This is the road we travel, the direction we head. Deny it or not, will not matter. Truth will be.


But in the end – it’s simple mathematics, the more people who live for themselves, the more energy is sucked in to not be returned – thus the more energy is lost. Eventually, if nothing is done, there will simply be less energy – not enough to go around, and if nothing still is done, there will be no energy for life to exist.


What happens when you cut trees, when there are less plants, less photosynthesizes– there is less energy. What happens when there are less insects, birds, and other lifeforms – there is less energy. As we go into the future we hope to support a growing population with less energy on the earth than was 100 years ago. And yet our population is 4x what it was then. Overtime as there is less energy, it will become a more strenuous task to survive. We already see these problems manifest today – they are the root cause of rising prices, depression, homelessness, poverty, and countless other problems. As life continues to become more difficult and more strenuous, the line of civility will change. Chaos will gradually be more accepted, blame, hate, and anger will rise as people will fight for the last scraps of energy – survival.

We look at these as so far off from today, but are we not the frog being boiled so slowly he does not realize he is boiling? Follow the pattern, this is not new today but has gradually become worse and worse over time.

Naturally, we have a mental block of heading to our own doom. What is too scary to perceive we block out – deny, it is a defense mechanism. But we should be scared. Not lose hope- not frantic but scared.

In our world today, rather than dealing with these realities we turn to mechanisms to cope with that further suck our energy from us. We spend our fleeting time watching others live their lives through television, movies, social media. We deal with increasingly stressful lives by creating drama and attempting to use chemical pleasures to fulfill us. Ultimately, we do all of this to avoid thinking of the truth of life. Of the world we really live in. We follow endless cycles of simple self-perpetuation, doing whatever we need to do to survive, and mentally handle life. But as it is, these are not things that solve our problems.


But we are not stuck. Reality is only a perception. The future is not yet determined. What we do now is what will create the future. Truly, we are free. We have the chance to save the world, to turn our faces to love, and think first of what we can do for others. We can spend our time, our energies changing the world around us, doing whatever we can do to solve whatever problems are solvable to us in the present. One step at a time we can walk towards heaven grabbing everyone we come across along the way and taking them with us. And together we can build heaven. A place of balance, harmony with the universe. Where humans happily serve our purpose, grateful for our existence, asking what we can do, not what can be done for us. Like children we dance, play, dream, and create, just happy to be a part of it all and even happier to be useful to it. Free we burden ourselves not with realities that take away from the beauty of life, but only that which adds to it. Together we work to feed, house, cloth, and teach each other. Each free to serve whatever purpose the universe has in store for us. Transcended from suffering we dance and remember these dark times as they will serve as a reminder of why it is so important to love.


At this point it is easy to feel guilty, to point blame, or to feel sorrow for the pain of the world. While this is normal, you shouldn’t feel such weight on yourself. Everything goes back to love. Entering this world, we are all helpless babies reliant on others to love us, and the love we receive is what creates us. No one is evil in this world, there are only people who haven’t received the love they deserved. How this pattern we are in began, we cannot know, but over time it became self-perpetuating. The more pain in the world, the less love there was, and the less people were loved the more we became focused on things like wealth and power. This isn’t something we should blame each other for, not even those with wealth and power. They are simply people who were put in their situation like everyone else and they are just as deserving of love.


It is unfortunate that it took until humanity was at a point of such pain and suffering to wake us up, but unfortunately that was the only way that we could see that the collective path we were on was not a good one – to follow it to its end.


But the end is coming. More and more each day it feels so, and it seems just about everyone senses the pattern in their own way. It is just in the air, the atmosphere around us. The problems we have created are becoming more significant and the fear of what will happen only seems to grow. Many people have lost hope, lost faith. We are at our darkest hour.


But as they say, the darkest hour is just before dawn.


The time is now for the sun to shine, for the love of the world to have its turn in power. For the world to turn to love rather than profit.


Now for the how.


Ultimately, what needs to change is how the collective conscious of humanity views itself. Essentially, we need to collectively wake the fuck up.


There are a few powerful ways to do this – one is to start pushing the boundaries of what’s normal. The fastest way to get someone to become self-aware is to start acting abnormal in a way that makes no sense to them and forces them to become curious trying to understand you. If we start doing things that are so strange – but in a purposeful way – people in the circle around us will gradually, unconsciously wake up. (This is like planting a seed – some deeper part of them understands but they do not consciously make sense of what you are doing). This could look like a lot of different things, things like getting groups of people to go pick up litter just because, or holding gatherings and talking about these things in public places where people can overhear, really anything and everything you can imagine, there is no wrong answer.


As we do this we can also start to consciously make people aware too. This is done through the spreading of a message. A simple, consistent message that is basically, everybody wake up, we need to change, this is fucked, come together, work together, erbody love erbody we a family. This can be spread through any number of forms, arts, music, talking, really anything.


The third part of this is building community. Community is everything - it is safety, belonging, purpose, it is how all problems can be solved. Climate change and every other problem is not happening in some far-out imaginary space, it is happening in our backyard, our communities, all around us. The best chance we have is strengthening our bonds of communities, if communities all around the world solve the problems in their own space, the world would simply be changed like that. Building community happens not through some cheesy forced way, but through natural ways. Walking around neighborhoods, getting to know people and asking if anyone needs help. Holding rallies, where people have their voices heard, not just the people in positions of power. And working together to solve problems – things like replanting native species (picturing a day where people all around the community go out and just plant things in green spaces – obviously would take a lot of logistical thought to organize)


As this spreads, the idea is that if we start doing things the right way people will wake up and realize how fucked this is. It is easy to go along when there is no alternative, but if all of the sudden there was another way to do things – that would change everything.


Obviously, there is a lot more detail to all of this, as well as specifics things, but this is the general idea. My point is that it is possible. We can truly change the world in major ways. Even eventually retire capitalism and replace it with something suited for human freedom, experience, and enlightenment. Though the point isn’t to be anti-anything, the point is to begin acting with our hearts, following love, and building a world around that. If something gets in the way of love, then the question remains – what even is the point of it? If we are not working towards a world of love, peace, freedom, truth, beauty and enjoyment what are we doing?